Overflowing with Blessings

Dec 5, 2023

Just as Zechariah was filled with God's Spirit in last week's reading, we now turn our focus to Elizabeth, and how she too was enveloped by the Holy Spirit! In Luke chapter 1:41-42, we witness a profound encounter:

"41 And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the baby leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, 42 and she exclaimed with a loud cry, 'Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!'"

This remarkable exchange between Elizabeth and her relative, Mary, the mother of Jesus, beautifully illustrates God's extraordinary ability to work wonders amidst human limitations. Elizabeth, despite her advanced age and the perceived impossibility of bearing a child, belonged to God, and He had a plan for her. In her moment of exuberance, Elizabeth declares Mary to be "blessed among women." It's crucial to recognize that Jesus is the source of this blessing; it is He who grants Mary this honor. And this blessing extends to us as well. Jesus is our ultimate blessing, offering us forgiveness, grace, and salvation.

As we go about our day, let us carry this profound blessing within us, allowing it to guide our interactions and spread joy to those around us. Embrace the immense blessing we have in Jesus, and share it with others through the Monday challenge this week!

Monday's Challenge:

Reconnecting with Blessings: This week, reach out to someone special and brighten their day. Whether it's through a heartwarming text message, a thoughtful phone call, or a delightful coffee or meal together, let your presence be a blessing to them. Reconnect with the people who matter and share the joy of being blessed by Jesus.