Live the "Blessed" Life

Dec 7, 2023

Today marks our final day of examining Elizabeth's story from Luke Chapter 1. In today's passage, Elizabeth utters another blessing upon Mary, this time highlighting a crucial connection that applies to us all:

"45 And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord."

The key to blessedness lies in 'believing'! Believe in what? Elizabeth clarifies further by declaring that 'blessed' are those who have unwavering faith that the Lord will fulfill His promises for us. The Scriptures are replete with promises that reveal the life God desires for us. Here are a few examples: a life of forgiveness in Him, Eternal Life, and a life eagerly anticipating the second return of Jesus – when He will make all things new! God has bestowed upon you the gift of faith. Today, embrace the blessed life by placing your trust in His promises for you!

Don't forget to join us tomorrow for our exciting Fun Friday Christmas Challenge! You won't want to miss it πŸ™‚

And if you haven't yet completed Monday's Challenge, consider taking some time today to do so!

Monday's Challenge:

Reconnecting with Blessings: This week, reach out to someone special and brighten their day. Whether it's through a heartwarming text message, a thoughtful phone call, or a delightful coffee or meal together, let your presence be a blessing to them. Reconnect with the people who matter and share the joy of being blessed by Jesus.