Books offer a powerful window to new worlds, perspectives, and understanding. On this World Book Day, we want to celebrate the role books play in enriching our lives, especially when it comes to our faith journey.

We've compiled a diverse reading list featuring titles that can:

  • Inspire your faith journey: Explore foundational texts and delve deeper into Lutheran theology.
  • Equip you to build a stronger church community: Discover resources for effective communication, fostering a vibrant environment, and fostering Christian education for all ages.
  • Offer personal growth: Find inspiration and practical tools for navigating life's challenges with a faith-based perspective.

Here are some recommendations to get you started:

  • The Bible: The cornerstone of our faith, the Bible is a timeless source of wisdom and inspiration.
  • The Book of Concord, edited by Kolb and Wengert: This collection of documents lays out the core tenets of Lutheran theology, offering a deeper understanding of our beliefs.
  • Teaching God's Children His Teaching by Kolb: This practical resource helps parents and educators make faith fun and engaging for young minds.
  • Difficult Conversations by Stone, Patton and Hean: Effective communication is key to any relationship, and this book equips you with valuable skills to navigate disagreements within your church family and foster a healthy community.
  • Metanoia by Hirsch: Feeling hopeful about the future? This book explores the Church's significant role in God's grand plan, offering a positive and inspiring perspective.

Looking for more? Our list doesn't stop here! Here are some additional titles that might spark your interest:
  • Leadership and Self-Deception by the Arbinger Institute: Encourage introspection and foster a growth mindset within yourself and others.
  • The Other Half of the Church by Wilder and Hendricks: Explore the importance of joy and its role in a faith-filled life.
  • The Gap and the Gain by Sullivan and Hardy: Learn to cultivate an attitude of gratitude and overcome challenges with a positive mindset.
  • The Miracle Morning by Eldrod: Discover the power of morning routines and how "S.A.V.E.R.S." habit stacking can enhance your life.
Any book by:

  • Martin Luther (the O.G.)
  • N.T. Wright
  • Patrick Lencioni
  • Henri Nouwen
  • Dallas Willard
  • Pete Steinke
  • Timothy Keller
  • Eugene Peterson

These authors offer a wealth of knowledge and insights on faith, leadership, personal growth, and more.

Remember, this is just a starting point!  We encourage you to visit your local library or bookstore to explore a wider selection.

What are your thoughts? Find us on social media and share your favorite faith-based books and how they've impacted your journey!  Let's create a conversation around the power of reading and inspire each other on our paths.