Throughout history, temples have been central to humanity’s connection with God. Herod’s temple in Jerusalem was a grand and imposing structure, built to solidify his status and gain favor with the people. Yet, Jesus redefined what it means to encounter God—not in a building, but in Himself, the living temple.
Herod’s Temple: A Monument to Power
The Second Temple, refurbished and expanded by Herod the Great, was a marvel of engineering. Herod used it as a way to validate his rule and garner the favor of the Jewish people. While grand in appearance, it symbolized Herod’s need to build his kingdom through earthly means, ambition, and control.
Despite its grandeur, Jesus predicted its destruction (Luke 21:5-6), a prophecy fulfilled in AD 70. Herod’s temple, though impressive, could never provide the true connection to God that humanity needed.
Despite its grandeur, Jesus predicted its destruction (Luke 21:5-6), a prophecy fulfilled in AD 70. Herod’s temple, though impressive, could never provide the true connection to God that humanity needed.
Jesus: The True Temple
In contrast, Jesus’ kingship was rooted in humility and God’s promises. Prophesied in Isaiah 11:1 as a “branch from the stump of Jesse,” Jesus came from a lineage that remained intact despite Herod’s attempts. His life began not in a palace but in a humble manger, and His reign was not defined by force but by sacrificial love and grace.
Matthew 1 paints a vivid picture of Jesus’ lineage—a messy family line full of imperfect people. Yet, this was the line God chose to fulfill His promises. Jesus’ kingship wasn’t established by Rome or ambition but by God’s eternal plan of redemption.
Matthew 1 paints a vivid picture of Jesus’ lineage—a messy family line full of imperfect people. Yet, this was the line God chose to fulfill His promises. Jesus’ kingship wasn’t established by Rome or ambition but by God’s eternal plan of redemption.
Personal Application
Herod’s temple reminds us how often we rely on external achievements to validate ourselves, just as Herod sought validation through grand displays of power. But Jesus calls us to something greater—a life built not on what we construct, but on the foundation of His grace.
This Advent, reflect on these questions:
As followers of Christ, we are also called “living temples” (1 Corinthians 3:16), inviting others to experience God’s presence. How can you share the love and grace of the true temple, Jesus, with those around you this season?
This Advent, reflect on these questions:
- Where are you building “temples” in your life to gain validation or control?
- How can you let go of these pursuits and find true connection with God through Jesus?
As followers of Christ, we are also called “living temples” (1 Corinthians 3:16), inviting others to experience God’s presence. How can you share the love and grace of the true temple, Jesus, with those around you this season?
The Strength of Humility
March 24th, 2025
Grafted by Grace: Finding Family in the Body of Christ
March 18th, 2025
Rest as Resistance: Rising Above the Demands of the World
March 18th, 2025
I Am John. I Am Not Jesus.
March 6th, 2025
Life is Messy: What Grounds You When Life and the World Around You Feel Overwhelming?
March 3rd, 2025
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