Embracing God's Design for Love and Identity: Finding Yourself in Christ

By  Michael Heiden

Who Am I? A Fundamental Quest

Have you ever pondered the fundamental question, "Who am I?" We often seek answers in ourselves, relationships, careers, finances, or even our sexuality. While these aspects matter, they ultimately fall short in defining our true identity.

Seeking False Gods in the Shadow of True Desire

Ironically, our pursuit of these things can even become idolatry, as we subconsciously crave something deeper, something beyond ourselves. We seek security, stability, comfort, hope, and value – all crucial elements of identity.

But chasing false gods is ultimately a twisted reflection of our inherent desire for identity. We were designed to seek God, our Creator, for who we are. Sin has warped this yearning, leading us to search for identity in created things, elevating them to false gods.

The Truth Reimained: God Establishes Our Identity

The truth, however, remains constant: God establishes our identity. He made us, loves us, and offers the only true source of security, stability, comfort, hope, and our full value.
This is where the glorious invitation comes in: "Behold, I stand at the door and knock" (Revelation 3:20). Jesus stands at the door of every heart, inviting us to turn away from these false gods and let Him in.

Discovering Your Worth in Jesus: The Ultimate Question

He asks the crucial question that defines our identity: "Who do you say I am?" (Mark 8:29). It's in Him that we truly live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28). In Him, we discover our worth, knowing we are treasures He gave everything for (Matthew 13:44). In Him, we find meaning and purpose, called to follow Him and bring His kingdom of mercy, grace, and forgiveness (Matthew 28:16-20). In Him, we find complete forgiveness, full knowledge, and complete belonging, body and soul (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

The Moment of Transformation: Baptism – Uniting with Christ's Identity

So, when was our identity established in Jesus? At our baptism! We were united with Him, sharing His death and resurrection (Romans 6:1-5). And the words spoken to Jesus at His baptism, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased," are spoken to us as well, declaring us the Father's beloved children, in whom He is well pleased.

Who am I? In Christ, I am the Father's Beloved Son! Who are you? In Christ, you are the Father's beloved child!

My Own Struggle: Grappling with Identity in Christ

I confess, this identity question is one I grapple with too. I often seek validation from others, especially in my role as a pastor. If one person wasn't impressed with my sermon, I'd spiral, questioning my entire worth. Such dependence on external approval is a false god I actively work on dismantling.

Then Jesus knocked on my heart through a mentor who challenged me to pray daily, "Father, thank you for being my Father and for me being your beloved son. I am already accepted and approved by you, and I don't need to seek it elsewhere." It took a year of practicing this prayer to truly internalize it, and even today, I set reminders to slay that false god and reassert my true identity in Christ.

Your Challenge: Embracing Your True Identity in Christ

  • Reflect: How do you answer the "Who am I?" question? Where or in whom do you seek your identity?

  • Remember: Jesus stands at your heart's door, offering the fullness of your identity established in Him.

  • Set daily reminders or schedule an alarm.

  • Pray: "Father, thank you for being my Father and for me being your beloved child. I have everything I need in your son Jesus, and because I am your beloved, you are well pleased with me!"

Focus on the Light: Download the "Return of the gods" sermon series companion booklet.

Embrace your true identity in Christ, and experience the profound freedom and love that await you.