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Christ Greenfield Request Forms

Events and CG Cares Approval

Please use this form to get approval for any event on the Gilbert or East Mesa campus. This form is your one-stop for support, space reservation, and Promo request.

Report a Website Issue

Thank you for helping us make the Christ Greenfield website a great experience for everyone. Use this form to report typos, inaccurate information, bugs, or design issues.

Facility Maintenance

FMX is our facility management software.  Use this link to submit maintenance requests for the church or school.

Online Registration Form Setup Request

Use this form to  set up online event and  payment forms with BlueFire.

Communications Request

Use these form to submit requests for any communications, graphic design or promotions for Christ Greenfield Ministries or Partners. Once submitted, a project is created in Asana. All correspondence on your request will be through Asana.

Requests will be fulfilled depending on our team’s workload and time of the year. To help us serve you best, we ask that requests be submitted 4 - 8 weeks before your due date.

*If you have filled out the Events and CG Cares approval form, any promotional or communication needs for your event  will be addressed through that entry. 

Background Check

All church and/or school volunteers must complete a background check and be cleared prior to serving. 

Purchase Order (PO)

All expenses over $350 must have an approved PO in place prior to the expense.

Receipt Affidavit

If a receipt is lost, destroyed, or unusable, please use this form to document the details of the missing receipt transaction.

Emergency Requests

We know life gets difficult sometimes and you forget or have last-minute needs that need attention right away. We have a form for that. Authorized requesters are: Pastor Tim Ahlman, Dan Morton, Jack Kalleberg and Maddy Haase.

Please contact Pastor Tim Ahlman, Dan Morton, Jack Kalleberg or Maddy Haase if you have an emergency request.